You can find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.
C3. HcveAcc: a high-performance and energy-efficient accelerator for tracking task in VSLAM system
- preprint
- 通讯作者
- IEEE/ACM Proceedings Design, Automation and Test in Eurpoe (DATE), Grenoble, France, Mar 9-13, 2020.
C2. Optimization of clock mesh based on wire sizing variation
- Best Paper Nomination
- 第一作者
- International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), Seoul, South Korea, Nov 5-8, 2017.
C1. Obstacle-aware symmetrical clock tree construction
- 第一作者
- IEEE 60th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Boston, MA, USA, Aug 6-9, 2017.
J2. Progress in a novel architecture for high performance processing
- 通讯作者
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57 (4S), 04FA03, 2018
J1. A novel obstacle-aware multiple fan-out symmetrical clock tree synthesis
- 第一作者
- IEICE Electronics Express 14 (20), 20170935-20170935